
TunerPro MS42 Community Patchlist

From MS4X Wiki


TunerPro offers a very good method of editing flash files with its "Patch" function.

We used this feature to create an "All-In-One" solution for editing engine displacement independant functions, like EWS or checksum delete.

Currently the amount of functions is very limited because MS42 developement needs more attention.

This is only compatible with the MS42 0110C6 software version.

Download it here: Siemens_MS42_0110C6_Community_Patchlist_v1.6.xdf

MS4X MS42 0110C6 Community Patchlist.png

ECU Information

This section shows the first entry of the user information fields (UIF), the ECU number, the ISN and most important the softwareversion.

Please keep in mind, that the show UIF values does not necessarely have to be true, as some dealership did not write the UIF section after updating the ECU during service.

  • UIF Vehicle Identification Number
  • UIF Software Number
  • UIF Service Number
  • UIF Assembly Number
  • ECU Number
  • ISN Value
  • Softwareversion

Immobilizer Bypass

  • [PATCH] Immobilizer Bypass - Bypasses the immobilizer checks of the ECU
  • [PATCH] Clear Immobilizer Data - Virginizes the ECU by clearing all immobilizer related data

This will bypass immobilizer checks that are made to prevent the car from starting with an unauthorized key or no key at all.

Note: On some cars it takes some time to start during the first crank. So crank it a bit longer than you are used to if the engine isn't starting up right away.

When virginzing the ECU by clearing the immobilizer data you want to overwrite data in the bootloader area, so bootmode flashing is needed.

To synchronize ISN and rolling codes between the ECU and the EWS3 module just use INPA or MS4X Dev Flasher.

Checksum Bypass

[PATCH] Checksum Bypass - Disables both checksums for the calibration data section

M Instrument Cluster LEDs

  • [PATCH] M3/M5 Cluster LED Mod - Implements code that controls the LEDs of the M3/M5 cluster
  • ldpm_toil_led - Oil temperatur axis to adjust the switch points of the led array for the warmup light feature
  • id_icl_toil_led__n - LEDs used at the given oil tempetature for the warmup light feature
  • ldpm_toil_led - Engine Speed axis to adjust the switch points of the led array for the shift light feature
  • id_icl_led__n - LEDs used at the given enginespeed for the shift light feature

For an explanation of the values see M Cluster LED Control

You can retrofit the LEDs to a non-M cluster with this guide: Cluster M3 LED Retrofitting

DS2 Logging Extensions

  • [PATCH] DS2 Logging Feature Enhancement - Implements code needed for the new logging command
  • [PATCH] DS2 Speed Increase - Increases how often the ECU processes DS2 commands

MAF Sensor Hack

[PATCH] MAF Sensor Hack 2048kg/h

  • id_maf_tab - MAF sensor table 1x256
  • id_maf_tab - MAF sensor table 16x16

This patch doubles the airflow capability of the MS43 to 2048kg/h. Use one of the two id_maf_tab tables to edit MAF sensor scale.